Predict severity for pending claims, (or settlement,) in low, medium, and high dollar ranges starting at the first notice of loss, and then follow the right course of action. For example, $0 to $10,000; $10,000 to $20,000, and $20,000 to $30,000 and above.

Claims Managers can leverage these severity predictions to adjust their resources and workflows, while an operational team can leverage Charlee’s red flags and alerts (deep insights at a claim level) for each claim to focus on investigation and adjudication. The red flags and alerts (deep insights at a claim level) derived from are Charlee’s behavioral pattern detection trained for identifying over 160 + insurance fraud schemes and meet the guidelines outlined in the Fair Claims Practices Act, which will help insurance carriers stay compliant.

Charlee’s predictions are more than 75% accurate because our machine learning models use pre-trained tags/topics/insights and historical trends. In addition, Charlee’s predictions come with explanations and context.

Bring Charlee™ into your claims operations as your cyber supervisor to help identify those low, medium, or high severity predicted claims and prioritize them into your workflows to reduce claims cycle time and expenses. Through API integration, Charlee can deliver these predictions via email notifications or directly within your claims management system. Charlee™ seamlessly integrates our proprietary key performance indicators (KPI) with any claims management system. The KPIs can also be customized to map historical trends and patterns and organized into dashboards. Our severity management dashboard offers many proprietary KPIs contained in historical or pending dashboards, all of which may be customized. You may choose to receive your pending claims severity predictions via email while using Charlee dashboards for other patterns and trends discovery:

  • Predicts severity based on machine learning analysis of topics
  • Consistent alerts and red flags identifying fraud patterns
  • Low severity claims are predicted for fast-tracking
  • High severity claims enable immediate intervention of claims adjuster for settlement
  • Manage your reserves against the predicted severity
  • Prioritizes open claims with insights for mitigation
  • Provides strategic insights and proactive use of quantitative predictions
  • Reveals hidden risk patterns in various lines of business

Insurance Lines Supported by Charlee: Personal Auto, Homeowners, Commercial Auto, Commercial Property, General Liability, and Cyber

Severity Prediction That Continuously Optimizes Future Claims Risk with Past Data Patterns

Enable your claims operations with additional intelligence in the form of predictions and insights that can help them manage reserves, develop action plans, and most importantly, “ask the right questions” to adjudicate well. Take the guesswork out of financial decisions. Instead, empower your team with data-driven decisions. In addition to assessing factors such as type of insured risk and demographics, Charlee’s severity prediction model intuitively maps past claims behavior and predicts future patterns with semantic aggregation of unstructured data. Then, Charlee™ analyzes and interprets the data and insights derived as to a low or high severity claim and the next course of action claims settlement or pre-emptive onboarding/training of a claims adjustor. Over 50,000 pre-trained insights that feed the predictions help your Claims and Underwriting teams discover prioritized claims with trends, patterns, and deep insights to lower costs and severity.

Historical Trends and Risk Severity Patterns

Prediction of severity within the low, medium, and high settlement ranges can make a massive difference in processing a claim from first notice of loss to settlement! If insights are not discovered on time or severity is not assessed, their aggregated loss can damage your insurance portfolio in terms of finance and reputation. Severity trends, therefore, require interpretation of the facts of loss from both structured and especially unstructured data- Claim notes, documents, 3rd party PDFs – which a predictive analytics engine like Charlee can provide. The derived insights help you foresee, assess, close claims, or intervene with claims adjusters to mitigate escalations.

Degree of Severity Prediction & Mitigation

Adjudicated claims are a treasure trove of information! Charlee™ pretrained insights accurately predict (average 75% accuracy across all lines) the trajectory of the potential severity range and its future path for you to make better-informed decisions, Alerts and red flags are deep insights at a claim level that can discover valuable high severity claim patterns within your data and mitigate them. Due diligence behind these predictions helps management and operations avoid chasing false positives. Indemnity vs. expenses, therefore, becomes a carefully balanced act.

Litigation Prediction with Actionable Insights

Know about pending and open claims predicted to go into litigation based on in-depth analyses of past entities, timelines, sentiments, locations, and topics, at the click of a button. Then, intervene and assess the stage of progress, and assign senior litigation members to manage and mitigate escalations for you.


Prioritizing claims starting at FNOL

Understanding Pre-Attorney and Pre-Litigation pattern analysis starting at FNOL, or First Notice of Loss, helps you prioritize claims and stay on top of their patterns. Interpreting risks from structured and unstructured data separates low, medium, and high severity claims. The latter are identified at the FNOL, helping you create better action plans to manage resources efficiently.

AI-based Intelligent Deep Claim Level Insights

Derive exceptional and layered analysis of deep claim level past claims data. Red flags and alerts (deep insights at a claim level) are based on cognitive behavior analysis of 160 plus fraud schemes, SIU regulations, and Fair & Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Acts across all lines. Act on these alerts to stay compliant!


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