When the communication and collaboration among the stakeholders in an anti-fraudprogram erode, bad things will happen. All of us have critical roles in the fight against insurancefraud, which we should take seriously if we really want toreduce fraud, which affects all of us – the consumer.

There are some very interesting and emerging trends regarding insurance fraud. Sadly, theresources to address these problems are not commensurate with the need to combat fraud in themost effective manner.As a result, insurance fraud is increasing throughout the United States. So what do we do about it?

The stakeholders in this problem need to start thinking more creatively about ways tosystemically reduce fraud. This is not an easy problem to fix, but if our government and industryleaders follow the “Rule of Three” for creative problem solving, amazing things can happen.

The Rule of Three?is a “best practice” in strategic planning and is also known as Moshe’s Rule of Three, which boils down to:

  1. State the purpose.
  2. Discover the possibilities.
  3. Execute.

The critical force multipliers in this model are relations and collaboration.When these two are combined with the three steps, all weaknesses identified in strategicplanning are mitigated, and the resulting plan is strengthened to a point where its implementationwill actually achieve intended goals.